Join Hands with the Anti-war Movement

Posted: 18th July 2024


Join Hands with the Anti-war Movement

Today, we stood with thousands of Palestine activists, held hands and surrounded parliament on its first day back. We demanded an end to the genocide, and an end to the arming of Israel


Yet the genocide continues. It is up to us to keep up the pressure.


On Tuesday Israel bombed another UN school sheltering displaced people, killing at least 16 people. This is the 6th school to be bombed in just over a week. So many innocent lives have been ended, so many ruined, starvation is rife, Gaza destroyed.


We need your help, we cannot do this alone. We must build our movement and to do so we need to increase our membership.


This is why we ask you to please consider joining us today. To do so costs as little as £3 per month. A small amount that makes a huge difference.


By becoming a member you will provide us with the political and financial support we need to continue our fight for peace and justice.

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.