UNFOLD ZERO Newsletter

Posted: 22nd July 2024

Peace, nuclear-risk reduction and disarmament
UNFOLD ZERO at the NPT Conference, July 22-Aug 2

States Parties to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) meet from July 22-August 2 at the United Nations in Geneva to discuss nuclear risk reduction, nonproliferation and disarmament.

The governments are meeting as the world continues to be embroiled in devastating armed conflicts, an erosion of multilateralism and the rule of law, a renewed nuclear arms race, and increased risks and specific threats to use nuclear weapons.

UNFOLD ZERO member organizations will be active at the NPT conference advancing proposals for peace, nuclear risk-reduction and disarmament. This will include the presentation of two global appeals to the NPT plenary session on July 23, a Live Update from Geneva on July 26 and some in-person side-events.

Pursuing Peace, Security and Nuclear Disarmament through our Common Humanity
An Interfaith and Values Appeal to the NPT Prep Com

Pursuing Peace, Security and Nuclear Disarmament through our Common Humanity, is an inter-faith and values appeal endorsed by 70 faith-based organizations and 170 faith and values-based leaders and individuals from 44 countries. The appeal will be presented to the NPT Prep Com by Ayleen Roy, member of the Transnational Working Group on Values, faith-based perspectives and global governance

Interfaith Appeal to the NPT Prep Com:

“We are heartened that the appeal has been endorsed by faith and values based individuals and organizations from all continents (except Antarctica) and from a wide variety of traditions including Bahai’i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Humanist, Islam, Jain, Jewish, Pagan, Quaker, Sikh, Unitarian, Zoroastrian and more. We hope that the governments will appreciate the positive and forward-looking recommendations we are presenting, and will take action on them.”
Ayleen Roy, who will present the Interfaith Appeal to the NPT Prep Com on July 23.

“Nuclear weapons are one of two existential threats facing humanity; the other is climate change.  People of faith and goodwill must unite in the face of this devastating and growing threat to all people and our world.”
Dr. Stephen M. Colecchi (Christian, USA). Appeal endorser.
Retired Director, International Office of Justice and Peace, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

Turn Back the Doomsday Clock

A parliamentary appeal to the 2024 NPT Prep Com

Turn Back the Doomsday Clock, an appeal endorsed by 70 parliamentarians from 34 legislatures, makes nine concrete recommendations to the States Parties to the NPT in order to elevate cooperative leadership and the rule of law, prevent nuclear war, resolve international conflicts peacefully and protect the climate for current and future generations.

Some of the recommendations are the same as those made in the InterFaith Appeal to the NPT Prep Com. These are for governments to:
  • Affirm that the threat or use of nuclear weapons is inadmissible;
  • Replace the current reliance on nuclear deterrence with Common Security approaches and mechanisms to achieve national and regional security;
  • Accept the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice – if they have not already done so – in order to resolve international conflicts peacefully through the application of law, rather than through the threat or use of force.
The presentation of these appeals can be watched live on UNTV during the 4th Session of the NPT from 15:00-18:00 Swiss/Central Europe Time.

Using Common Security to phase out nuclear deterrence

“Our predominant security framework should be environmental security and common security – which focuses on resolving international conflicts and protecting our future through diplomacy, cooperation and the rule of law – rather than provocative nuclear weapons policies, conventional arms races and threats to use force.”

“Better use of common security mechanisms to ensure national and regional security – such as the United Nations and International Court of Justice – will enable countries to phase out the reliance on nuclear deterrence, reduce the reliance on military defence and liberate resources to support climate protection and sustainable development.”

Excerpt from Turn Back the Doomsday Clock, the international parliamentary appeal to the 2024 NPT Prep .

Abolition 2000 Live from Geneva

Friday July 26. 18:30-19:15 (Swiss/Central Europe Time)
Live online update followed by Q&A

Join Jackie Cabasso (Abolition 2000) and Alyn Ware (PNND/UNFOLD ZEROLive from the United Nations in Geneva at the end of the first week of the 2024 Non-Proliferation Treaty Prep Com. Speaking from the Serpentine Bar at the UN (where the ‘real diplomatic discussions’ take place), Jackie and Alyn will give a short update on the government deliberations – the good, the bad and the ugly – plus the main civil society proposals that are gaining traction at the conference. As this will be on zoom, audience members will be able to ask questions of Jackie and Alyn.Register for Abolition 2000 Live from Geneva

UNFOLD ZERO and partner side-events at the NPT Prep Com

UNFOLD ZERO and our partners are organizing some other side-events and actions for the NPT Prep Com at the United Nations. These include:The July 23-30 events will be livestreamed (audio only) on https://listen-live.unog.ch.  The 3DNuke Missile, pictured here at the UN in Vienna, will be displayed for a public social media action at Place des Nations in front of the United Nations on July 31, to highlight the risks of nuclear war and encourage actions to reduce these risks. Yours sincerely

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.