Catch up: Eurobomb? No thanks! Preventing nuclear proliferation in Europe – CND webinar

Posted: 22nd July 2024

In July and August, states will meet at the UN in Geneva for the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Preparatory Committee (PrepCom). CND will be in Switzerland to counter the arguments in favour of the development of a European nuclear weapons system, and will be hosting a side meeting on why we must mobilise in opposition to a ‘Eurobomb’ programme.


Ahead of the PrepCom, we invite supporters to join us for a webinar with the same theme. We’ll hear from a line up of international speakers on topics like the US influence on European military policy, the perspective of French disarmament campaigners, and how treaties like the NPT and TPNW can be used to stop the ‘Europroliferators.’

View the webinar via the link below.×2EPhE7wDCAnLcpJSdM_-4R45uKG7Rk
Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.