Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, July 22, 2024

Posted: 23rd July 2024

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 Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo Swims In Seine Ahead Of Olympic GamesERIK ENGLISH

Swimming in the Seine? Paris Olympics highlight the challenge of cleaning urban rivers

Paris hopes to open the Seine for Olympic swimming this week and public swimming in 2025—other cities should follow their lead. Read more.


Interview: US diplomat Adam Scheinman on nonproliferation, arms control, and the NPT

In this interview, Bulletin editor-in-chief John Mecklin talks with Ambassador Adam Scheinman, who oversees American diplomacy around the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, about US arms control efforts. Read more.


With new data, researchers attempt to overturn long-held theory on ice ages and climate change

Figuring out the mechanisms behind the last abrupt climate shift could help us predict and understand how climate change manifests now. Read more.


AMC Uppsala Vacancy

Humans should teach AI how to avoid nuclear war—while they still can

The systemic use of AI technology in nuclear strategy, threat prediction, and force planning could erode human skills and critical thinking. It could also lure users into believing that a nuclear war can be won. Read more.

Peak water in an era of climate change

Understanding the concept of “peak water” and the strategies behind it is key to moving toward a more efficient and sustainable water future. Part of our July magazine, this article is available to all readers for a limited time. Read more.


“If you look at China’s emissions profile of the past two decades, one particular source was hugely significant: real estate and construction, whose supply chain made up about a third of all emissions [...] That’s cooling off.”
— Li Shuo, director of China Climate Hub at the Asia Society Policy Institute, “Why the Era of China’s Soaring Carbon Emissions Might Be Ending,” The New York Times


Come work with us!

The Alva Myrdal Centre for Nuclear Disarmament (AMC) is recruiting a Senior lecturer in Peace and Conflict Research, Specialisation in Nuclear Disarmament. The senior lecturer will play a key role in the AMC team, with an ambition to allocate at least half of the working time to research at the centre. Interacting with the surrounding society will also be a vital part of the role, to ensure that the knowledge and expertise at the centre benefit society. Apply now.

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