CND Press Digest: Wednesday 24th July 2024

Posted: 25th July 2024

Global Nukes

  • ICAN: The Second Session of the Preparatory Committee for the Eleventh Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference is taking place in Geneva from July 22 to August 2nd. On the second day of the meeting, Naomi Zoka from Pax Christi Flanders (Belgium) delivered ICAN’s statement to the states parties.
  • NewsweekChina makes nuclear weapons demands of US and allies.
  • Japan TimesHiroshima mayor calls for abolition of nuclear weapons.
  • Global Times: When US cannot compete economically, it moves to military confrontation.


  • Defense News: Sweden angles to fill a void in NATO’s space plans.

UK Nuclear Power

  • David Toke’s blogReading through Labour’s manifesto section about GB Energy,the proposed new publicly owned Energy generation company, you would be forgiven for thinking this was all about supporting renewable energy. Because that was what the section on GB Energy appeared to say. There was no mention of it supporting nuclear energy. But now it seems that support for nuclear energy will be GB Energy’s prime initial (and maybe always main financial) purpose. Its main purpose is likely to be to support a technology called ‘small modular reactors’ (SMRs) that independent say analysts does not exist, has failed so far to come into commercial existence and, (if it does) will end up being even more expensive than conventional large scale nuclear power projects. That is the only thing one can assume from reading the report HERE. In this report from the inewspaper, it is stated: ‘GB Energy will be headquartered in Scotland and have £8.3bn in capital to invest – and i understands that among its first commitments will be a pledge to order a cluster of nuclear plants called small modular reactors (SMRs)’.
  • Current: The Nuclear Industry Association (NIA) has applied for a justification decision for Rolls-Royce’s Small Modular Reactor (SMR) design, representing the first ever application for justification of a UK SMR design.
  • Energy Live News: Sellafield, the state-owned operator of the UK’s largest nuclear waste site, has introduced its first fully electric locomotive to its internal rail network, which spans eleven miles and supports the UK’s nuclear power industry. The addition aims to cut the site’s carbon footprint and enhance rail fleet reliability. Mark McSherry, Railways Operations Manager, stated that the replacement of older diesel locomotives began nearly three years ago, and the site already operates two hybrid electric locos.
  • BBC & Guernsey PressThe risks of a serious nuclear incident affecting the Channel Islands are ‘very small’, according to a new review. It was carried out by the UK Health Security Agency on behalf of the Guernsey and Jersey governments to ensure they were ready for all potential incidents. The review looked at the worst case scenario of a nuclear incident involving radioactive waste dumped in the Hurd Deep as well as the risks from incidents at the nuclear sites on the Cotentin Peninsula – the Orano La Hague nuclear fuel reprocessing site, Flamanville nuclear power station and nuclear submarines at the Cherbourg dock yards. It also considered the potential risk from nuclear materials being carried by ships in waters around the islands.

Middle East

  • Iran: Israel’s nuclear weapons biggest threat to world peace.

NATO / Europe

  • The TelegraphRussia’s enormous three-ton flying bombs will soon meet NATO defence technology.
  • ReutersNATO finds gaping holes in defences of Europe.
  • Bloomberg: Trump circle wants NATO allies to spend even more on defense.
  • Defence News: NATO’s newfound knack for hefty bulk buys has arms maker RTX perked up.

AUKUS / Asia-Pacific

  • NFLA: The UK/Ireland Nuclear Free Local Authorities have joined environmental and peace groups around the world in endorsing a statement that will be delivered to a conference at the United Nations. The 2024 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Preparatory Committee will meet today to begin work to make preparations for the next conference of signing to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (or NPT). The statement will be delivered to committee delegates by Jemila Rushton, Acting Director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Australia. The NFLAs are a member of ICAN.