Hiroshima and Nagasaki Commemorative Candle Float August 6th 2024

Posted: 7th August 2024

As dusk fell, on a quiet windless night, over 200 candle lanterns floated downstream on the River Avon from Fisherton Bridge to Crane Bridge in the centre of Salisbury.  Some of these lanterns had been decorated by students from the Kyoso Junior High School in Hiroshima.  We greatly value this link which symbolises our joint commitment to move to a world without nuclear weapons, by remembering the horror unleashed when the first two atomic bombs were dropped in 1945.  With our world now as close to nuclear conflict as it has been since that time, we celebrate this collaboration between young people in Japan and ourselves in Salisbury CND.

Pictures of the event are below, together with a letter that Salisbury CND received from the Mayor of Hiroshima and the Press Report that we issued after the event.

The Salisbury Journal coverage is here: https://www.salisburyjournal.co.uk/news/24502664.salisbury-hosts-annual-hiroshima-nagasaki-candle-fl…
and here A second article in the Salisbury Journal about this year’s Candle Float, plus a letter


Letter from the Mayor of Hiroshima

Press Report

Pictures from Events in Hiroshima

Pictures of the Lanterns that the students decorated for us

Pictures of the lanterns being made at Kyoso Junior High School

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.