Please write to your MP today to demand that Britain stops selling weapons used by Israel to kill children, and in maintaining its illegal occupation and system of apartheid.

Posted: 21st September 2024

Thousands of children have been massacred in the Gaza Strip since October last year, with Israel also targeting Palestinian children in the West Bank and across historic Palestine. Please write to your MP today to demand that Britain stops selling weapons used by Israel to kill children, and in maintaining its illegal occupation and system of apartheid.
Write to your MP

Over 41,000 Palestinians have now been killed in Israel’s war on Gaza, over two thirds of them women and children. In March, the UN reported that more children had been killed in Gaza in four months than in four years of war worldwide. Thousands more have been killed since. Ten children a day face an amputation with no anaesthetic, and at least 3000 children have had at least one limb amputated. Israel is carrying out its carpet bombing of the Gaza Strip using F-35 and F-16 fighter jets, which Britain is continuing to supply essential parts for.

Attacks have also increased significantly across the West Bank, with over 650 Palestinians killed since October. PSC works closely with our partner organisation Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCI-P), a Palestinian organisation at the forefront of defending Palestinian children, who last week published a new reportdocumenting that children are being killed at a rate of one every two days by Israeli forces and illegal settlers in the West Bank.

Please help us amplify DCI-P’s report by sending it to your MP, and insist our government takes action by immediately ending all arms trade with Israel.

Write to your MP

There is real pressure for the government to end all arms trade with Israel – but we need your help now. In suspending some arms export licenses earlier this month, the government has recognised the clear risk Israel will continue violating international law in the oppression of Palestinians. It is obscene for Britain to be continuing any arms trade with Israel, but it will take grassroots pressure from people like you to bring it to an end. Please email your MP today.

In solidarity,


PSC Campaigns Officer

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.