This coming Saturday – 5 October, 20th National March for Palestine

Posted: 30th September 2024

This coming Saturday – 5 October – hundreds of thousands of us will take to the streets of London for the 20th national march for Palestine, marking one year of Israel’s genocidal assault against the Palestinian people. Now, Israel is bombing Lebanon, killing more than a thousand in just the past two weeks.

Trade union members have played a central role in mobilising for these huge national protests. Now we need to escalate our campaigning to end British state, corporate and institutional complicity in Israel’s crimes.

Join the PSC trade union conference on 19 October to find out how you can build support for Palestine in your union.  

Sign up

Palestinian trade unions are also at the forefront of their people’s struggle. They have called upon workers, the trade union movement and all people of conscience globally to take action to demand a ceasefire and to put pressure on governments and institutions to stop arming Israel.

This month, TUC congress, representing 5.5 million workers, unanimously endorsed the demand for an end to all arms trade with Israel. It recognised that Israel’s genocide follows decades of violations of Palestinian human rights, including the imposition of a system of apartheid throughout historic Palestine, and called for sanctions and a ramping up of boycott and divestment campaigns.

Join us on 19 October to hear from leading Palestinian and British trade unionists and discuss how we can put these policies into practice.

Register today

Trade unions have a vital role to play in building solidarity with Palestine. Register now for PSC’s trade union conference on 19 October for concrete actions that trade unionists can take.


In solidarity,  


Martial, Palestine Solidarity Campaign  

Trade Unions Building Solidarity with Palestine  

A conference for trade unionists to escalate their solidarity actions with the Palestinian people, against genocide and apartheid  

Saturday 19th October, 10am, in London   


Nadia Habash, President of the Palestinian Engineers’ Syndicate  

Dr Samia Al-Botmeh, Palestinian academic at the economics department at Birzeit University, and BDS activist 

Riya Al-Sanah, Palestinian researcher and organiser with the Workers in Palestine initiative  

Fran Heathcote, General Secretary PCS 

Jeremy Corbyn MP 

Phil Clarke, President NEU   

Liz Wheatley, Chair International Committee UNISON   

Dooley Harte, Pension Official UCU 

Ben Jamal, Director PSC 

Louise Regan, Chair PSC & NEU EC 

With more to be confirmed. 

Register here
Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.