Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, October 28, 2024

Posted: 29th October 2024

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 Photo-illustration by Thomas Gaulkin; Images by Gage Skidmore (Mark Cuban photo; CC BY-SA) and Depositphotos.com

Mark Cuban on AI, Elon Musk, and Big Tech’s influence on society and elections

The Bulletin interviewed entrepreneur and TV personality Mark Cuban on Big Tech’s societal influence. Cuban recently questioned Elon Musk’s attempts to influence the US presidential election via cash incentives, and advocates for limiting government regulation on AI to maintain the US’s position worldwide. Read more.

North Korea sent troops to Russia. The reason(s) are “left to be seen”

Thousands of North Korean soldiers may fight alongside Russia in Ukraine. South Korean officials worry the North may get Russian weapons technologies to boost its nuclear and missile programs in exchange. Read more.

A more common enemy: How climate change spreads diseases and makes them more dangerous

Heat can kill and sicken directly. It preys on the vulnerable, the elderly, and the very young among others, causing heat stroke, cardiac arrest, and other health problems. Additionally, there is growing evidence of climate change’s influence on another factor affecting human health: Rising temperatures may be leading to major changes in the epidemiology of infectious diseases. Read more.


To protect democratic values, journalism must save itself

In 2023, an average of 2.5 local newspapers shut down each week. This year seems to be following a similar trend. With fewer professional journalists keeping watch over politicians and the process of voting, democracy is under threat. Part of our magazine on democracy and elections, this piece is available to all for a limited time. Read more.

“Obviously, no one is going to give the nuclear codes to ChatGPT. But there is a remaining question about how much information that the president is getting is processed and filtered through A.I. systems — and whether that is a bad thing.”

— Herb Lin, Stanford University scholar and member of the Bulletin’s Science and Security Board, “Biden Administration Outlines Government ‘Guardrails’ for A.I. Tools,” The New York Times


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