Stop the War's Winter Appeal

Posted: 4th November 2024

Stop the War Coalition 

On Saturday at least a hundred thousand protestors took to the streets of London and marched to the US embassy to demand an end to the genocide in Gaza, to the invasion of Lebanon and to Israel’s reckless escalation of war in the Middle East. We called on the UK government to immediately end arms sales to Israel.


This was the 21st national demonstration for Palestine. Stop the War hasplayed an important role in organising and mobilising for the Palestine protests for over a year and we will not stop as long as the genocide continues.


We need to make our movement bigger and stronger and your help is vital. Please help us by supporting our appeal.

More than 43,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, many of them children. Hundreds of thousands have been starved, massacred, maimed, orphaned & traumatised. With the banning of UNRWA Gaza’s one remaining lifeline will be lost. This alone is a genocidal act.


Israel has now extended its barbarity to Lebanon, where it is indiscriminately bombing, killing and maiming civilians. Millions have been displaced and thousands lie dead in the rubble. A week ago Israel turned its wrath directly on Iran, risking setting the entire region alight.   


This is why our work is so critical and why we must intensify our campaigns. But campaigning costs and we need your help.

Every placard we hand out costs £2, we spend £100s on leaflets and posters to promote each protest, and our anti-war convention on 17 November will cost us at least £5,000 – we urgently need to raise funds to cover these costs and build our movement.


We have set a target of £60,000 for our winter appeal, please give generously today.

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.