Lance Corporal Ahmed Ali speaks out

Posted: 27th August 2020

Hello Everyone,


Here are videos of Lance Corporal Ahmed Ali of 14th Signal Regiment, Cawdor Barracks, Brawdy, Haverfordwest. The regiment is apparently engaged in Intelligence activities.   In the first video he makes a public Facebook statement against the supply of arms to Saudi Arabia, in the second he is seen picketing Downing Street with a poster and blowing a whistle for every child currently being killed by airstrikes, and in the third he is being arrested by the Royal Military Police.   Veterans for Peace (VfP) is trying to make contact with him and is thinking of plans to support his cause.   We think that he did not know about VfP, which is a shame because otherwise we would have been by his side supporting him.   A very rare case of a serving solder publicly refusing orders which entail supporting immoral and illegal acts by the government. Very brave and very lonely.   Founder of VfP Ben Griffin did much the same thing, but his distinguished military war record ensured that the army did not want the publicity of a Court Martial.  




Downing Street protest:


Arrest by Military Police:




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