Book "Other Girls Like Me" by Stephanie Davis

Posted: 7th September 2020

 Big Issue 1425, 31st August 2020, includes a lurid red image of women leaning against the Greenham Common fence, with a review of a book, Other Girls Like Me by Stephanie Davies. It describes her reaction to a news bulletin on the radio about the women being evicted from their shelters, who were pleading for backup. She decided then and there to join them. ... “Living in the peace camp felt like the only rational response to an entirely irrational situation. If the UK government was going to allow US weapons of mass destruction to be unleashed from our countryside onto civilians many miles away, the very least we could do was to put our bodies in front of the military convoys and spray paint war planes with peace messages.”

    The book is published by Bedazzled at £13.70.

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