Posted: 28th December 2024
Many thanks to all of you who sent in comments and corrections on the original draft of the letter we will be handing in to President Trump on January 22nd (anniversary of the TPNW). We did our best to incorporate all the suggestions into a final version, which is below and also attached.
Please use the links here to add your signatures to this letter:
I sincerely hope that all coalition partners will want to sign it, but I don’t want to add anyone or any organization that has not had a chance to read the final version and “opt in.” We are also hoping that many more organizations and individuals will be willing to join us in signing the letter, so please pass this along to anyone you think might be willing to sign – especially organizations.
Timmon Wallis
Warheads to Windmills Coalition
c/o 59 Gleason Rd
Northampton, MA 01060
(631) 507-8686