Next Saturday 18 March is our first National Demonstration for Palestine of 2025

Posted: 11th January 2025

Next Saturday 18 March is our first National Demonstration for Palestine of 2025. We need as many people out on the streets of London as possible – will you join us?

For over a year we have all been witness to the darkest moment in the decades-long Palestinian struggle for liberation. We have watched Israel unleash the most unconscionable violence on the Palestinian people, with weapons and impunity provided by Britain.  

Our growing movement, inspired by the steadfastness of the Palestinian people, has continued to target the pillars of British complicity to demand an end to Israel’s livestreamed genocide. That is why next Saturday we plan to protest at the BBC, whose pro-Israel bias is crucial to manufacturing consent for Israel’s atrocities.

In a landmark investigation, the journalist Owen Jones has exposed widespread dissent within the BBC from staff opposing its coverage, which they say has been skewed by senior figures to “water down everything that’s too critical of Israel”.  

In response to political pressure from pro-Israel groups, the Metropolitan Police is trying to prevent our protest by claiming our march could cause disruption to a nearby synagogue. In fact, the closest synagogue to the BBC is not even on the route and the police themselves have acknowledged that there has not been a single incident of any threat to a synagogue attached to any of our marches.

Click below to watch our Director, Ben Jamal, speak to Owen Jones about the police’s attempt to use repressive powers to prevent our planned protest at the BBC:

Yesterday we issued a statement supported by over 160 high profile individuals and organisations – cross-party MPs and Peers, trade union general secretaries, civil rights campaigners and cultural figures. It includes support from musicians Kneecap, Brian Eno, Charlotte Church, actors Mark Rylance, Khalid Abdalla, Nadia Sawalha and Juliet Stevenson, author Susan Abulhawa, economist Yanis Varoufakis, Akiko Hart the director of Liberty, Asad Rehman the executive director of War on Want, alongside Amnesty International UK, and Greenpeace UK, who are all demanding the police to drop their objections.

Share the statement with the hashtag #WeWillMarch

Over the past year we have come together to build one of the largest and most sustained protest movements in British political history. We have challenged those who have attempted to demonise our movement, and we will continue to do so. It is the huge numbers who have attended the marches which have made it impossible for the political establishment to suppress us.  

That is why we call on everyone who is rightly outraged by Israel’s ongoing slaughter of the Palestinian people and all those who uphold the democratic right to protest to join us in London on Saturday 18 January. When Suella Braverman tried to stop us marching on 11 November you responded in unprecedented numbers and we marched a million strong. Next Saturday we will march. And we will not stop marching until Palestine is free.

In solidarity,
PSC Campaigns Officer

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.