Posted: 30th January 2025
A new film looks at an old action—the protests and occupations against the construction of the Seabrook nuclear generating station in New Hampshire, a campaign that grew in momentum and in numbers, spawning a nationwide movement with lessons for today.
Clamshell Alliance started a movement
They organized, they occupied, and they were arrested. In the end, only one of the proposed two reactors at Seabrook, New Hampshire, was built. The protest movement there against nuclear power, which began with four people and eventually saw 20,000 occupying the site, led to a nationwide anti-nuclear power movement. But the Clamshell Alliance was the first. A documentary, Acres of Clams,tells their story, eloquently written and narrated by former Clam and puppeteer, Eric Wolfe, who also directed. Longtime activist and fellow Clam, Arnie Alpert, gives it two thumbs up. MORE
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