Posted: 31st January 2025
Holloman Spring Action, 2023 – Photo by Sharat Lin
Co-sponsored by Veterans For Peace, Ban Killer Drones and CODEPINK
Travel Stipends Available!
Join our Spring Action Week
April 19-26, 2025
Holloman Drone Training Base, Southern NM
The largest drone training base in the U.S., where 700+ drone pilots and operators graduate annually!
16 years ago the American public started to become aware of the secret and very illegal assassin drone program. Soon afterwards the peace community mobilized against it, while the US Air Force top brass were bragging about what a tremendous advancement drones were, enabling our forces to destroy “enemy terrorists” without putting our troops at risk. As drone whistleblower Daniel Hale stated, drones “embolden commanders” making it easier for them to orchestrate more horrendous crimes against humanity.
16 years later Americans are forced to ask ourselves: Who are the real terrorists? Israeli and U.S. drones have been a primary weapon in the 16 month long genocidal seige on Gaza that has nearly completely obliterated Palestinian communities, killing tens of thousands of civilians, including over 700 infants, and leaving the survivors without adequate food, water, shelter or medical care. Homicide, Hospitalcide, Scholasticide, Ecocide, Urbicide, Medicide, Truthicide, Climatocide…the list is endless. This obscene aggression has expanded across borders into the West Bank, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Iran and elsewhere. What will we do as Americans to halt this insanity?
The settler-colonial genocidal campaign in Gaza and elsewhere, using AI and remotely controlled drones to dominate the world has destabilized our world, as the first drone whistleblowers warned us 10 years ago. What will we do? ”Silence is complicity,” warned the late, great Martin Luther King Jr. Let’s enter the belly of the beast:
Be Fearless Angelic Troublemakers determined to demilitarize our country and our planet together. Mother earth needs us now more than ever before.
Join us at Holloman in April for all or part of the week: A week of persistent peaceful action to nonviolently resist, educate and promote GI resistance. Palestine will take front stage: NO WEAPONS or TAX $$ for GENOCIDE!
WE MUST DEMILITARIZE OUR SOCIETY. Time is running out. Join Our Organizing Team…help it grow! Check out our website for more info. Camping and Hotel Options available.
Update: Al Jazeera is working on a 4 part documentary about the Global Arms Trade, with an episode focusing on Drone Warfare. They’re considering coming to our Holloman action week. Let’s make our peace convergence bigger than ever…..and show the world that there is resistance to these horrific tools of US empire. LET GAZA LIVE! Ground the Drones!
Shut Down Drone Warfare Team
Special Tribute to Veterans For Peace activist, Ken Mayers, who left our mother earth this last week near his Feb. 5th, 88th birthday. Ken you were an amazing and dedicated peacemaker, who worked harder and with more love, gentleness and grace than almost anyone else we know. You have left your legacy with us to model and carry on. You will be dearly miss your glowing smile and glistening blue eyes. Ken Mayers Presente!
Ken, a Santa Fe, NM resident, played a key role as a primary organizer during our first two years at Holloman, being the odest, and yet working the hardest!]. Enjoy these 2024 photos of Ken at Holloman AFB: