‘My memories are crushed and buried’: a long walk home in Gaza

Posted: 1st February 2025

The Guardian’s reporter in the territory describes the journey back to see what might remain of their prewar lives

Malak A Tanteshin Beit Lahia
Fri 31 Jan 2025 14.41 GMT

When the ceasefire came, there was a moment of relief that we had escaped death, although we still carry the sadness and pain of everything lost in those 15 months.

Palestinians know that there are still more battles ahead, they have to keep fighting, in a war of daily suffering – the fight for water, for a loaf of bread – and a war against memories, that bring pain to the heart and madness to the mind.

Still, I woke up full of energy and excitement on Sunday, the day we had been told we could begin returning to the north. I knew the journey would be exhausting, walking long distances on broken roads crowded with other displaced people, but I was eager to return to my beloved home.

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