News from Stop the War

Posted: 21st February 2025

Stop the War Coalition

Newsletter – 20/02/25


Donald Trump is sending shockwaves around the world on a daily basis. His dramatic abandoning of the transatlantic alliance and the seismic shifts in geopolitics have left the European political elite reeling.


Trump’s proposals for naked land grabbing in Ukraine echo his plans to transform Gaza into the ‘Riviera of the Middle East’, minus the ethnic cleaning part.


Starmer, refusing to directly criticise the US president, has responded by suggesting the deployment of UK troops to Ukraine, as Chris Nineham says ‘a typical piece of empty patriotic posturing’. He is also insisting the UK significantly ramps up military spending – with serious implications for our already starved public services.


As we said in our statement on Thursday, ‘it is shameful to see the British and other European governments scrambling to increase military budgets. Donald Trump’s plans to stop underwriting NATO should be seen as an opportunity to move away from failed military solutions towards a diplomacy based on peaceful co-operation.’


On Thursday 27 February we will be holding a webinar Trump’s New World Disorder to explore the implications of these momentous events for the anti-war movement.


Register now to hear analysis from Lindsey German, StW convenor, investigative journalist Matt Kennard, Medea Benjamin from America’s Code Pink, Alex Gordon, RMT president, and others.

Register Here

Nationwide Public Meetings

Free Palestine – Defend the Right to Protest

On Saturday over 150k people were on the streets of London demanding a free Palestine. If we want to continue to march for Palestine and against the genocide in Gaza we need to also defend our right to protest. Watch our brief film from the demo with interviews from Lindsey German and Chris Nineham.

Click Here to Watch

The charges against Chris Nineham of StW, Ben Jamal of PSC, along with others, still stand. The aggressive policing of the 18 January Palestine protest and the attacks on the leaders of the movement that day were very serious. We must stand up against the attempts to stop us from marching and organising. 


With this in mind StW has organised a series of meetings around the country, so do get along if you can, and if there isn’t one in your area get organising!

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Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.