News Items

Title Posted
TEPCO Loses Damages Suit Filed by Evacuees for 10th time 28th March 2019
Fukushima's accumulating water problem 20th March 2019
ICAN seek to dissuade people from working with nuclear weapons 18th March 2019
Fukushima Grapples with the Soil that No-one Wants 18th March 2019
Cracked graphite core in Hunterston B nuclear reactor 9th March 2019
Salisbury CND Newsletter March 2019 6th March 2019
Green MEPs held after anti-nuclear protest at Belgian military base 21st February 2019
Latest Robot Plans for Fukushima 13th February 2019
Russia plans land-based intermediate range missiles in two years 6th February 2019
Life of older nuclear power stations in doubt 4th February 2019
National CND's campaign about Trump's planned withdrawal from the medium range missile treaty 2nd February 2019
Storage of nuclear waste a "global crisis" as stockpile reaches 250,000 tons, Greenpeace warns 1st February 2019
Concern as US starts to manufacture "low-yield" Trident nuclear warhead 29th January 2019
Nuclear arms threat keeps Doomsday clock close to midnight 25th January 2019
Hitachi's withdrawal from two power plants should prompt a rethink 18th January 2019
CND 2018 Campaign Review 14th January 2019
Hitachi set to cancel plans for £16bn nuclear power station in Wales 12th January 2019
Don't Bank on the Bomb is winning 28th December 2018
Swiss Parliament requested that the government join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons 20th December 2018
Wylfa Nuclear Power Station's Future in Doubt 11th December 2018
NIS Update: November/December 2018 1st December 2018
Toshiba Withdraw from Cumbrian Nuclear Power Project 9th November 2018
The Origins of Salisbury CND 6th November 2018
Salisbury CND's Year in Pictures 1st November 2018
UN advises women and children should not return to Fukushima area 1st November 2018
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