News Items

Title Posted
Help shape Labour's defence policy 29th April 2016
Fukushima Ice Wall 29th April 2016
Further signs of doubt over funding for Hinkley Point 10th April 2016
Could there be a terrorist Fukushima? 6th April 2016
April 2016 edition of CND's Campaign magazine 5th April 2016
Direct action at AWE Burghfield 4th April 2016
Ice wall switched on at Fukushima 4th April 2016
Budget cuts and Trident funding 19th March 2016
Hinkley Point and funding problems 14th March 2016
Read what Arnie Gunderson of Fairewinds says 5 years on from Fukushima meltdown 13th March 2016
Theo Simon addresses the CND Southern Region AGM 13th March 2016
Crippled Fukushima Reactors Are Still a Danger, 5 Years after the Accident 10th March 2016
Largest anti-nuclear protest for a generation 27th February 2016
Trident article in the Independent on Sunday 26th January 2016
Jeremy Hardy's thoughts on Trident! 20th January 2016
Jeremy Corbyn's thoughts on Trident 19th January 2016
Christmas Tree display at St. Thomas's 4th December 2015
Japan's 166,000 tons of nuclear waste still waiting to be buried 30th November 2015
Peace lessons, the United Nations, and the Military ethos in schools 10th November 2015
US nuclear weapons in Europe 8th November 2015
Trident cartoon comment 3rd November 2015
Talk to 6th Salisbury Air Scouts as part of their Environmental Conservation Activity badge. 3rd November 2015
Latest costings for Hinkley Point nuclear power station 30th October 2015
Increased cost estimate for Trident renewal 30th October 2015
National CND Conference Workshop "Using the Legal Arguments Better" 23rd October 2015
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