News Items

Title Posted
Theresa May is Lying over Trident - or at least I hope she is! 22nd July 2016
Nuclear submarine HMS Ambush damaged in collision 22nd July 2016
Trident, Hinkley Point, HS 2 and Heathrow's third runway. Danger, Lobbyists at work! 21st July 2016
Graveyard of the Earth - Inside City 40 Ozersk, Russia's deadly secret 21st July 2016
If you wondered if CND could have influence, you might be interested in this! 21st July 2016
Don't Give Up! 19th July 2016
Press coverage of Parliament Square protest 19th July 2016
Today's the Day 18th July 2016
Grand Finale at AWE Burghfield - 30th June 19th June 2016
AWE Burghfield protest under way 15th June 2016
Trident Renewal By No Means Certain 12th June 2016
Guardian coverage of protest so far 10th June 2016
Trident is Being Upgraded in Secret 10th June 2016
Four protesters charged at Burghfield. 10th June 2016
The future of Burghfield AWE when Trident is scrapped 8th June 2016
Pre-event coverage of month long protest at Burghfield AWE 3rd June 2016
Frozen Earth Wall At Fukushima Not Working As Predicted 30th May 2016
600 Tonnes of Nuclear Fuel Still Not Found at Fukushima 25th May 2016
Watch a Trident missile launch and check out latest request to allow increased radioactive emissions at Plymouth 23rd May 2016
A very close call at Fukushima 22nd May 2016
A month of protest at Burghfield AWE organised by Trident Ploughshares campaigners 20th May 2016
Latest CND estimate for the life time cost of Trident - £205 billion 12th May 2016
Hinkley Point: UN says UK failed to consult about possible environmental risks 9th May 2016
Mass Lobby of MPs - 13th July 5th May 2016
Problems with contaminated water at Fukushima 3rd May 2016
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